07 May 2010

A short pause...

I'm sooo busy lately that it is hard to keep up with my sewing so there is a mini drought on new items! We've had TWO holidays in a month going to New Zealand for an spectacular air show in the South Island PLUS we visited Cairns this week to celebrate my father-in-law's 60th birthday!

We arrived home on Wednesday and now we are moving house this weekend! All very exciting (and exhausting) and time consuming! Unfortunately I have decided to postpone my appearance at the Lilydale Munchkin Markets next weekend and will confirm my next market shortly. Hopefully I'll have enough time to stock up on new and exciting items along with all the faves! (my Hooties and nursery mobiles are pretty much sold out would you believe it!)

Before life turned so crazy I was playing around with a yoyo maker suggested by our friends over at lulufroufrou and decorated some singlets, lavender eye pillows and aprons. So please stay tuned and trust that I am anxious to get back to the machine and continue creating items made with love and care :)

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